The Internet has given birth to design options as boundless as the stars in the sky. Despite this fact, the world wide web is pretty confined by several rules and restrictions.
This includes the restrictions against bad CSS design as well as rules against bad programming language structure. One restriction to website design is the web page size. On average, the web page size is 1024 by 768. The majority of the web populace uses a 1024 by 768 pixel size resolution. Which is why most websites are designed keeping this web page size in mind.
While design elements are non restricted, such as putting flash, photos and other graphic elements, 1024 pixels by 768 pixels is the average.
But the restriction on web page sizes are not only limited to the web page pixel size as web page font sizes also follow a rather lenient guideline: make sure that the web page font size is not so small that it can not be read, or that it is not so big so as to make it offensive.
There are many ways to ensure the web page size is confined to the prescribed average. Among these include using a web page size calculator and a web page size tool. Both of which are available online, at the disposal of web designers and web programmers.